Latest series: Virginia 1606-1609
Our latest set of documents here on Long History looks at the early years of North America's first permanent British settlement.
Over 20 episodes, we will listen to the voices of the very people who took part in the earliest colonisation of the US.
Our weekly second series:
Random UK Prime Minister of the Week
Episodes released every Friday.
Past series
Magellan, Columbus and Vasco da Gama: The Three Main Explorers
Magellan's First Voyage Around the World: 30 episodes
Journal of the First Voyage of Columbus: 30 episodes
The Second Voyage of Christopher Columbus: 6 episodes
The Third Voyage of Christopher Columbus: 10 episodes
A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama: 25 episodes
Other Famous Names
Francis Drake's Voyage About the World: 20 episodes
Sir Walter Raleigh’s The Discovery of Guiana: 18 episodes
Sir Walter Raleigh and Virginia: 18 episodes
Exploring the Pacific
Forgotten Voyages 1: After Magellan: 10 episodes
Forgotten Voyages 2: The Hunt for the Missing Captain: 5 episodes
Exploring North America
The Southern Unites States in the 1500s: 25 episodes
Florida, Texas and Northern Mexico in the 1500s: 20 episodes
Jacques Cartier's Three Voyages to Canada: 18 episodes
Henry Hudson's Diverse Voyages and Northern Discoveries: 25 episodes
Creating the Philippines' Spanish Colony:
Journey to Colonise The Philippines: 8 episodes
The Philippines’ First Spanish Colony: 20 episodes
How Manila became Spanish: 5 episodes
Conquering Manila: 5 episodes