Long History

History is food for the brain. On Long History we split historic source documents into chunks of around ten minutes so you hear about historic events from the people who took part. Our previous series have included first-hand accounts of journeys by Magellan, Drake, Columbus and more. Treat yourself to something nourishing, and listen to real history while you’re doing it.

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Latest series: Virginia 1606-1609

Our latest set of documents here on Long History looks at the early years of North America's first permanent British settlement.

Over 20 episodes, we will listen to the voices of the very people who took part in the earliest colonisation of the US.

Our weekly second series:

Random UK Prime Minister of the Week

Episodes released every Friday.

Past series 

Magellan, Columbus and Vasco da Gama: The Three Main Explorers

Magellan's First Voyage Around the World: 30 episodes

Journal of the First Voyage of Columbus: 30 episodes

The Second Voyage of Christopher Columbus: 6 episodes

The Third Voyage of Christopher Columbus: 10 episodes

A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama: 25 episodes

Other Famous Names

Francis Drake's Voyage About the World: 20 episodes

Sir Walter Raleigh’s The Discovery of Guiana18 episodes

Sir Walter Raleigh and Virginia: 18 episodes

Exploring the Pacific

Forgotten Voyages 1: After Magellan: 10 episodes

Forgotten Voyages 2: The Hunt for the Missing Captain: 5 episodes

Exploring North America

The Southern Unites States in the 1500s: 25 episodes

Florida, Texas and Northern Mexico in the 1500s: 20 episodes

Jacques Cartier's Three Voyages to Canada: 18 episodes

Henry Hudson's Diverse Voyages and Northern Discoveries: 25 episodes

Creating the Philippines' Spanish Colony:

Journey to Colonise The Philippines: 8 episodes

The Philippines’ First Spanish Colony
: 20 episodes

How Manila became Spanish: 5 episodes

Conquering Manila: 5 episodes

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Friday Jan 05, 2024

William Gladstone, the archetypal Victorian prime minister, was, nevertheless, disliked by Queen Victoria. He had a very long political career, during which he became one of the great reformers. Who was the man who dominated politics during the whole of the second half of the 19th century?

Wednesday Jan 03, 2024

(8 of 15) Cartier's 1535 exploration of Canada have headed further up the St Lawrence River. What are the earliest written descriptions of the area of today’s Montreal?

Monday Jan 01, 2024

(7 of 15) On his 1535 journey up the St Lawrence River, Cartier has reached the Quebec City area. What did the people of the area, then called Stadacona, do to stop Cartier going further up the river? Why did Cartier insist on proceeding?

Friday Dec 29, 2023

The Dukes of Devonshire and their family are famed for many things, including Chatsworth, their historic and beautiful seat in Derbyshire. One member of this well-connected family was briefly prime minister. Find out about his time in office here.

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

(6 of 15) What were earliest French sightings of the area of today’s Quebec city, and its people?

Monday Dec 25, 2023

(5 of 15) How were early explorations of the St Lawrence River described?

Friday Dec 22, 2023

How did Churchill's heir, Eden, become prime minister? How did the end of the British empire cut Eden's time short as prime minister? Find out about the Suez crisis and its consequences, both for the UK and for the 41st prime minister.

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023

(4 of 15) During his 1534 journeys to explore the Atlantic coast of Canada, why did famous French explorer Jacquer Cartier cut his first journey short and return home?

Monday Dec 18, 2023

(3 of 15) What were first meetings like between the French and the people of Canada?

Friday Dec 15, 2023

The 11th prime minister was in office when the United States declared their independence. How and why did Frederick North - Lord North - lose America?

History from the source:

Magellan, Columbus and Vasco da Gama: The Three Main Explorers

Magellan's First Voyage Around the World: 30 episodes

Journal of the First Voyage of Columbus: 30 episodes

The Second Voyage of Christopher Columbus: 6 episodes

The Third Voyage of Christopher Columbus: 10 episodes

A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama: 25 episodes

Other Famous Names

Francis Drake's Voyage About the World: 20 episodes

Sir Walter Raleigh’s The Discovery of Guiana18 episodes

Sir Walter Raleigh and Virginia: 18 episodes

Exploring the Pacific

Forgotten Voyages 1: After Magellan: 10 episodes

Forgotten Voyages 2: The Hunt for the Missing Captain: 5 episodes

Exploring North America

The Southern Unites States in the 1500s: 25 episodes

Florida, Texas and Northern Mexico in the 1500s: 20 episodes

Jacques Cartier's Three Voyages to Canada: 18 episodes

Henry Hudson's Diverse Voyages and Northern Discoveries: 25 episodes

Creating the Philippines' Spanish Colony:

Journey to Colonise The Philippines: 8 episodes

The Philippines’ First Spanish Colony
: 20 episodes

How Manila became Spanish: 5 episodes

Conquering Manila: 5 episodes


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